About Me

I specialize in designing and building exceptional, high‑quality websites and applications that provide intuitive, pixel-perfect user interfaces with efficient backends for clients ranging from individuals and small‑businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations.

You can find me on Github, Dribbble or Codepen.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
HTML & (S)CSS, JavaScript (ES6+), PHP, Wordpress, Shopify, React, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL


React, Chart.js


COVID19 tracker where you can stay informed with the latest data on the number of COVID-19 cases. This project was built with React and uses an API to fetch the information, Chart.js to display that information as charts and Material UI for styling.

React, Context API, Styled Components

VG E-Commerce Store

Simple e-commerce video games store made with React and Styled Components. It uses Context API for state management and local storage for saving cart sessions.


Minimal Portfolio

Easy-to-customize personal minimal portfolio template that was created with pure CSS and HTML5. It is lightweight and fully responsive.

Get in Touch!

If you like my work and have some cool project to work on, just send me a direct message.

Contact Me